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Web3 SEO Is a Massive Opportunity

Web3 SEO is a Massive Opportunity

SEO has been largely ignored within Web3 and crypto marketing. With a lack of competition, even the smallest projects can secure easy traffic and attention on their project.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a fundamental practice for online visibility, yet many Web3 brands have yet to embrace it. In a space as dynamic as Web3, this oversight is significant. Even major entities within the industry have not dedicated efforts to ranking for relatively basic keywords. But for newcomers, it’s left a unique opportunity.

What is Web3 SEO?

Web3 SEO services involve optimising your online presence to be discovered through organic search results. Traditionally, SEO focuses on enhancing content for search engines like Google or Bing. However, it also extends to optimising content for social media search engines, such as Instagram and TikTok. Web3 represents the next generation of the internet, built on decentralised networks that provide greater security, transparency, and user control. While Web3 SEO incorporates traditional marketing techniques, its goal is to drive traffic into the decentralised web of Web 3.0.

Dicotamy of Web2 & Web3 Marketing

The reluctance of Web3 brands to adopt SEO can be traced back to the industry’s origins. Initially small and niche, these companies didn’t see the need for traditional web visibility strategies, viewing them as relics of the Web2 era. Moreover, traditional Web3 marketing has revolved around cultivating tight-knit communities on platforms like Telegram, Discord, and Twitter, diverging from mainstream digital marketing tactics.

However, as the Blockchain space aims to transition users from Web2, Web3 SEO will become a critical bridge. The interactive, decentralised nature of Web3 can only benefit from the structured, wide-reaching capabilities of SEO. Despite having huge target markets, 62% of funded Web3 projects attract fewer than 100 monthly organic visitors per month. This divergence from past marketing strategies presents a unique chance for both established Web3 players and newcomers alike. The competitive field in Web3 SEO is still relatively sparse, offering easier inroads for those ready to invest in SEO.


With this in mind, we have listed some of the top SEO opportunities for Web3 Marketing below. 👇

1: Low Competition for Web3 Keywords

Web3 keywords are not very competitive compared to other industries, offering a significant opportunity to rank higher with less effort.

Implementation: Conduct keyword research to find relevant Web3 keywords with low competition. Integrate these keywords naturally into your content, meta descriptions, and titles to boost your search engine rankings.

2: Content Optimisation Gap

Many Web3 projects fail to optimise their content for SEO, relying on one-pagers and overusing Web3 jargon instead of creating valuable, clear content.

Implementation: Create comprehensive, informative content that addresses common user queries. Avoid overusing jargon and focus on providing clear, valuable information. Follow SEO best practices like proper use of headers, meta tags, and internal linking to enhance your SEO for Web3.

3: Credible Author Advantage

SEO favours content from credible authors. Many Web3 founders prefer to stay anonymous, which can harm SEO credibility. There’s a real opportunity here for those willing to build a visible, credible presence.

Implementation: Encourage founders and key team members to build their online presence through blogs, social media, and public speaking. Publish content under their names to build credibility and trust, boosting your SEO for Web3 efforts.

5: Free Backlink Opportunities

While buying backlinks via sponsored content of tier 1 crypto media is expensive, many Web3 sites offer free backlinks if you write articles for them, providing a cost-effective way to gain media coverage.

Implementation: Identify and contact Web3 websites and blogs that accept guest posts. Write high-quality, informative articles that provide value to their audience and include backlinks to your site. This can improve your site’s authority and search engine ranking.

6: Building Community Engagement and Social Proof

Active participation in decentralised communities and obtaining social proof through platforms like DAOs can boost content visibility and trustworthiness.

Implementation: Engage in Web3 communities, forums, and social media. Contribute valuable insights and participate in discussions. Showcase endorsements and testimonials from reputable community members and DAOs on your website to enhance your SEO for Web3.

The takeaway is clear: there’s an untapped opportunity in Web3 SEO. Brands that recognise and act on this potential stand to gain significantly. As the industry matures, those positioned at the forefront of this SEO wave will likely reap substantial rewards, securing their place in an increasingly digital future.

For top-notch Web3 SEO Services and quality content, Contact Guava Studio today.


Written by Callum Kennard, the Founder and Head of Content at Guava Studio, a rising firm that is rapidly gaining popularity. Previously, he served as Head of Content at NFT Plazas and played a key role in strategy and marketing campaigns at Switzerland’s leading blockchain solutions firm. Callum has developed marketing strategies and created content for some of the most prominent players in the Web3 industry. With firsthand experience of the industry’s highs, lows, and evolving trends, he is passionate about launching exciting projects to new heights.


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